The Swan, for me, is an image for change, transition, transformation, and the beauty that is possible in the Becoming. A swan moves not only on water but also on land and in the air. Its adaptability to terrain and circumstance seems to me to have a message for our life – we need to be aware of our various inherent abilities and strengths for different situations. And sometimes others may perceive us to be gliding gracefully along and fail to notice the effort underneath the waterline!
Living near a lake, I see how Mama swan nests, cares for her babies, is protective and watchful, but able to do her own self care bathing and grooming. The cygnets’ wings need months to develop and become strong, the light downy covering to become adult black and white feathers. Change may demand time and patience. Sometimes we cannot hurry. However in the ordinariness of the cygnets’ daily life lies the extraordinary magic of becoming a beautiful swan.
The cygnets pictured in the photos on this website were born mid December 2019.